Family Owned & Operated

Leadwood Farming

Created in 2007, this is a family owned and operated farm with a hands-on approach. Located in Far North QLD approximately 90 km South West of Cairns, we are fourth generation farmers of avocados, limes and macadamias in Mutchilba and Dimbulah. 


With favourable climates, cold winter nights and hot days, the Tropics provide the perfect growing conditions. Working on and with the land drives us to produce quality crops from our farms. 

Leadwood  Farming Family

Our Produce

All our fruit is packed at our pack shed in Mutchilba. We aim to pick and pack premium, delicious produce using sustainable methods.

Shepard Avocado

Shepard Avocado

The skin on this variety of avo stays green even after the fruit has ripened. The flesh is golden, with a buttery flavour and doesn’t turn brown when cut. Rich in Vitamin C, a great source of fibre and great for heart health — avocados are one of the few fruits that are a healthy fat food.

Shepard Avocado

Tahitian Lime

Typically round, green in colour and contains acidic juice, limes are high in vitamin C and, contain small amounts of iron, calcium, vitamin B6, thiamine, potassium, and more. 

Shepard Avocado


Macadamias are a rich, buttery nut, roasting or salting the nuts draws out their natural, subtle sweetness and creamy texture. Because the nuts are grown in tropical climates, their flavour profile pairs well with lemon, coffee, and coconut. 

Seasonal Calendar

Seasonal Produce Calendar

Join The Team

We employ staff all year round for various postitions.
If you are interested in joining the team contact us.

Contact Us

Leadwood Farming

33 Demis Road

Mutchilba QLD 4872

Sedex HARPS Freshcare

© Leadwood Farming PTY LTD